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Pray 60 seconds for Japan

Prayer is the beginning of everything

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We believe that sustained prayer can change people, a city and even a whole nation. 60secforjapan invites you to pray for Japan for 60 seconds. Daily, hourly, constantly. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook and make it a habit to pray 60 seconds daily for Japan.

Prayer changes anything!

Prayer is not everything but without prayer everything is nothing. - Johannes Hartl

How to join in

For God has not given us a spirit of anxiety, but the spirit of power, love and prudence. 2.Tim 1,7


Make it a habit to pray for Japan every day. Pause briefly as you scroll through the social media and pray for Japan for 60 seconds.

What can you pray for?


We Believe

We believe in a God who turns to every single person and loves them unconditionally.

In Jesus Christ he has shown himself to people in a unique way. Jesus gave respect to the despised and healing to the broken. He held on to this message even when it cost him his life and he was executed on the cross. But God stood by Jesus and raised him from death. Through Jesus we can see what God is like: He loves every person without conditions! He forgives us all the guilt in which we are entangled. Everyone can turn back to God and start a new life with him - no matter how far away you feel from him.

We believe in a God who, through his Holy Spirit, is still active today in all those who are moved by him. His Spirit connects us and makes us follow the message of Jesus passionately.

Lets stay in touch

Thank you!


Pray for Japan, record a short video (max 55 seconds) of it and upload it here. Your VideoApp shows you how much time has already passed. So you can keep the time short and stay on time. Just be yourself, be authentic. Your first try is usually just right. Your prayer should be uplifting and encouraging.



Be part of our vision and share 60secforjapan on Instagram and Facebook.

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